Risky Masmuddin, Fitriana,

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana tingkat kepuasan pelanggan jasa penerbangan PT. Garuda Indonesia Balikpapan yang ditinjau dari tingkat kepentingan (harapan) pelanggan dengan kinerja (realita) yang dirasakan pelanggan. Data primer diperoleh dari hasil penyebaran kuesioner kepada 118 orang responden pelanggan PT, Garuda yang dijadikan sampel. Kuesioner berisikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang mengandung faktor-faktor kualitas pelayanan dari Parasuraman, yaitu “keandalan (reliability), keresponsifan, keyakinan (assurance), empati dan berwujud (tangible)”, dengan skala Likert 5 (lima) tingkat sebagai pilihan jawaban. Kemudian data jawaban kuesioner diolah dengan menggunakan Importance-Performance Analysis dari John A. Martila and John C. James.
Hasil penelitian ditunjukan oleh penyebaran nilai rata-rata tingkat kepentingan dan rata-rata tingkat kinerja yang tersebar di empat kuadran (A, B, C, dan D) diagram Kartesius yang terbentuk. Pada kuadran A, tersebar 2 faktor responsiveness yang dianggap penting oleh pelanggan, namun pelaksanaannya masih belum memuaskan: Pada kuadran B, tersebar 2 faktor reliability, 1 faktor empathy, dan 1 faktor tangible yang dianggap penting oleh pelanggan dan sudah dilaksanakan secara optimal, sehingga memuaskan pelanggan: Pada kuadran C, tersebar 2 faktor assurance, dan 1 faktor empathy yang dianggap kurang penting oleh pelanggan dan dijalani perusahaan secara biasa saja: Pada kuadran D terdapat 1 faktor tangible yang dianggap kurang penting oleh pelanggan namun dijalankan perusahaan dengan sangat baik.
Kata Kunci: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empaty, tangible.
This research conducted to determine the level of service satisfaction of PT Garuda Indonesia's flight customer which was investigated through customer's importance level (expectation) and performance (reality) perceived by customers. Primary data was obtained from questionnaires distributed to 118 respondents which are PT. Garuda Indonesia customers. The questionnaires consists of questions about quality service factors from Parasuraman, namely "reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangible”, with a five level Likert scale as an answer choice. Then, the questionnaire answer data were processed using Importance-Performance Analysis from John A. Martila and John C. James.
The result showed by the distribution of importance level and performance level average value which are spreading to four quadrants (A, B, C, and D) of Kartesius diagram formed. In A quadrant, there two responsiveness factors which are considered as important by the customer, however the performance is not satisfying. In B quadrant, there are two reability factors, 1 empathy factor, and 1 tangible factor which are considered as important and have already performed well so that satisfied the customer. In C quadrant, there are two assurance factors and 1 empathy factors which are considered as less important by the customer and ordinarily performed by the company. In D quadrant, there is one tangible factors which is less important for the customer but well-performed by the company.
Keywords: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empaty, tangible

Published: 2018-10-10